Wednesday 20 November 2013

My Everyday Make-Up

Everyday day make-up for me is important because I'm always on the go and want a make-up look that is going to last all day and keep me looking fresh and awake because sometimes your day can be tireing. It's important for me to have a full face of make-up because I'm not that confident with my skin and just for me I personally prefer having a full face.

To start off with priming my face with MONU illuminating primer, this makes sure my face make-up is going to stay on all day and also evens out my skin tone. Then taking my MAC studio fix fluid in NC15 I would put this all over my face and neck then buff this into my skin using Real Techniques expert face brush. In order to cover my horrid under eye circles and blemishes I use my collection concealer in fair 1 and apply it in a triangular shape under my eye and blend with my Real Techniques contour brush, I use this brush because its small and works well under the eye and blemishes. I finish my face off with setting my face with NYC translucent powder using the same brush as my concealer.
For me filling in my eye brows is very important because it can pull a whole look together and give some structure to your face. I fill my eye brows in with the Urban Decay Basics pallet and I use the colour faint a light brown colour which is a bit darker than my natural brow colour. I use a small and dense angled eyebrow brush from Spoilt Rotten.

Contour and blush is one thing sometimes I may miss out of my routine because for me it's not that important especially if I'm in a rush for college for work. For contour I use the Sleek duo contour kit in light and apply this with a big powder brush from Spoilt Rotten. I apply this in the holos of my cheeks, on my temples/forehead and my jaw line. This adds colour and definition to my face. For my blush I use the Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso and apply this to the apples of my cheeks.

Eye shadow is one of my favorite parts to apply make-up so many possible looks you can do with eye shadow. I usually go for a slight smokey eye but with light colours and only really use 2 colours on a every day basis. I usually start off with using my Urban Decay Naked Pallet and use the light pink colour Sin all over my lid, I do this using my Urban Decay flat dome brush. I then go in with MAC Satin Taupe and apply this to my crease and blend out well with my L.A Colours Eyeshadow Blender ensuring there's no harsh lines and the two colours are blended nicely.

To finish off my look I curl my lashes to make them nice and long ready for a coat of the Benefit They're Real mascara on my top and bottom lashes and then to finish everything off I apply the Maybelline Baby Lips in Pink Punch, this ensures my lips are soft and mousturised all day. 

Thankyou for reading and if you have any questions about my everyday make-up leave comments in the box below i'd love to here from you!

                                                             Love Hannah xx


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